Backyard Gardening to Secure Every Household’s Food Source

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As the whole nation is battling a pandemic brought about by the coronavirus disease, ensuring food availability for every Filipino is among the top things that need to be secured.

With the said task at hand, the Department of Agriculture has been looking into ways to ensure that food production in the country continues.

In the region, one initiative taken by the Department of Agriculture – Caraga through the High Value Crops Program (HVCDP) is the distribution of vegetable seeds to walk in clients who want to engage in vegetable gardening.

“Backyard gardening will help ensure that every household will have their own source of food in the coming days especially now that we are facing this COVID-19 threat,” Marco Antonio Morido, HVCDP Program Coordinator said.

In addition, growing your own food ensures it is safe and gardening can also be a form of exercise. Moreover, Morido said that now that the whole country is placed under quarantine, people are discouraged from going out so they really have time to plant and tend to a backyard garden and still be productive.

The HVCDP team has repacked their remaining available vegetable seeds so that more people can be given. The Department will also be procuring additional seeds to cater to more requests.

Morido also said that they are encouraging the Local Government Units (LGUs) who may still have available seeds to also do the same so that more people can plant and grow their own source of food.

This initiative is also in support of the DA’s Ahon Lahat, Pagkaing Sapat or ALPAS Covid-19 which is also called the Plant Plant Plant Program.

According to DA Secretary William Dar the government through the ALPAS Covid-19 commits to provide adequate, accessible and affordable food for every Filipino family. # ## (vanessasanchez/DA13RAFIS)

DA – CARAGA Region
Capitol Site, Butuan City
Regional Agriculture and Fisheries Section
Tel. No. (085) 342-4092 / Fax No. (085) 341-2114
Email add: ored.dacaraga @

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