ATI IV-A and partners to document farmers’ climate smart practices and success stories

GENERAL NAKAR, Quezon - This year, the ATI Region IV-A, through the Information Services Section (ISS), will be tapped to produce a compilation of success stories featuring documentations of Climate Resilient Agriculture Project’s (CRA) beneficiaries practices and experiences.

Through this, the Center aims to truly go beyond boundaries and inspire the greater public to step up for agriculture particularly in adapting and mitigating climate change effects.

A total of 25 participants from ATI project partners (SLSU, PCA, OPA-Quezon, LGU Gen. Nakar) took part on Writing Workshop for “Pamayanang Laging Handa: A Compendium of Climate Change Resilient Practices and Stories.”

The activity aims to further develop the knowledge and skills of the CRA partners in writing and packaging success stories so that the positive outcome of agricultural programs and projects are properly and meaningfully documented.

Ms. Erika Z. Vizcarra and Antonieta J. Arceo from ATI Central Office Information Services Division served as resource speakers in teaching and critiquing the participants’ outputs.

The participants are expected to gather the necessary materials for the production of the stories and prepare a plan of activities for their contribution to the compendium.