Goal Setting: Phase I and II of Training of Facilitators on Farm Business School Completed

Participants holding their Certificate of Completion during the graduation on Training of Facilitators on Farm Business School

Los Baños, Laguna – “We need to give our farmers a business orientation: kumikita at competitive nang sa ganun may sustainability.” addressed by Chairperson of Committee on Agriculture and Food, Senator Cynthia A. Villar, on the conduct of Training of Facilitators on Farm Business School (FBS). The training of facilitators on FBS is in partnership with Villar SIPAG (Social Institute for Poverty Alleviation and Governance) which aims to equip the farmer leaders and agricultural cooperative members with the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude for the conduct and establishment of FBS in their respective locality.

The training of facilitators on FBS covered two phases: phase I (February 26 - March 2, 2018) and phase II (March 5 -9, 2018). A total of 31 individuals including cooperative members, farm owners and former Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) actively participated during the 10-day training. Notable resource speakers were invited to impart their knowledge and expertise in various agricultural fields like Brian Belen of Ato Belen’s Farm, Nonong Velasco of Alamana Farm Academy and Costales Nature Farms. Moreover, representatives from other government agencies discussed lessons on farm business taxation (Bureau of Internal Revenue); Farm School Establishment (Technical Education and Skills Development Authority); Updates on Cooperative Development (Cooperative Development Authority); and Value Adding (Agribusiness and Marketing Assistance Division). Aside from lectures, participants also experienced workshops, field visits and benchmarking.

Phases I and II of the Training of Facilitators on FBS were held in City of Springs, Los Baños, Laguna.

Content: Ric Jason T. Arreza