Training on IDOFS Adds Achievement to New Batch of Graduates

Participants of Training on Integrated Diversified Organic Farming System (IDOFS) performing hands-on activity on preparation of various concoctions

PAGBILAO, Quezon - In support to the implementation of Organic Agriculture (OA) extension, information, training and educational activities, 26 Agri-Mazing Farmers and Fishermen Association of San Narciso, Quezon were equipped with knowledge and technical capability on OA and components of Integrated Diversified Organic Farming System (IDOFS) during the Training on IDOFS. The four-day training was held on February 20 – 23, 2018 in Cortijo de Palsabangon, one of the Schools for Practical Agriculture (SPA) of ATI CaLaBaRZon.

“Sobrang blessed po ang aming samahan kasi punong-puno po kami ng kaalaman na mai-aapply namin sa aming pag-uwi,” notable impression delivered by Ms. Amelia J. Anyayahan, one of the 26 participants. Participants learned the basic concepts and principles of OA and IDOFS including Organic Vegetable, Fertilizer, Free Range Chicken and Hog Production and Organic Concoctions. Topics on Climate Change and Health, Wellness and Nutrition were also tackled. Mr. Ruy Valente Polistico of Morningside Farms and Mr. Philip Reyes of Lucene Agribusiness imparted their expertise on different areas and fields in OA. Furthermore, participants performed hands-on activities on the preparation of concoctions which conform to the standards stipulated in Philippine National Standard (PNS) on OA.

Through the training on IDOFS, effectiveness and relevance of organic farming systems for sustainable agriculture were highlighted.

Content: Soledad E. Leal

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