Ready, Set, Goal: ATI CaLaBaRZon United as 1

Top management and staff of ATI CaLaBaRZon during the teambuilding activity as part of the Mid Year Assessment and Staff Development

Region I – “We’re all in this together. And it shows, when we stand, hand in hand, make our dreams come” are just some of the lyrics from the song “We’re all in this together” famed by High School Musical, an American musical series. These popular lines best described the recently concluded Midyear Review and Staff Development of ATI CaLaBaRZon.

Some 43 personnel of ATI CaLaBaRZon, composed of the top management and staff, actively participated during the Midyear Review and Staff Development. As part of the activity, the Center evaluated its 1st semester performance. Corrective actions and targeting specific goals were considered to further uphold excellent extension services for the 2nd semester trainings and activities of 2018. In this regard, the Center continuously upraises commitment to better serve its beneficiaries. Also, one of the highlights of the review was the teambuilding activity. “Natutuwa at nagpapasalamat ako sa ATI dahil sa teambuilding ay naramdaman ko na lahat tayo ay pantay-pantay. Lahat tayo may natutunan. Ang matutong makipagkaisa,” emotionally shared by Mr. Gregorio Flores, one of the support staff of the Center. Dubbed as the “Summer League: United as 1”, groups were divided into two, the yellow and green team. Each team depicted coordination thru every game and challenges in prizefight for the victory. At the end, every player prevailed in building and promoting camaraderie.

The Midyear Review and Staff Development is a yearly performance review of ATI CaLaBaRZon to discuss the Center’s development, accomplishments and changes. In this year’s review, ATI CaLaBaRZon effectively convened as one on April 30 – May 4, 2018 in Sta. Barbara, Pangasinan.