Learning Site cooperator gives away free seedlings amidst Covid-19

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Amidst the ongoing crisis the country is facing today, good samaritans really do exist!

ATI in CALABARZON’s Learning Site for Agriculture (LSA) farmer cooperator, Engr. Sanny Buncha of Bunch Farm has taken the streets of Lucena City and nearby municipalities to distribute ready-to-plant seedlings for free.

In this difficult time, I saw the need for food sustainability with the help of APCO (Agricultural Program Coordinating Office) Quezon and a colleague in the private sector this program has been running smooth.

We are on our 5th wave now and I have been receiving good feedback from the recipients; they are converting their backyards into edible landscapes.

Our goal is to promote farming especially because we are in these trying times. We still have programs to do after this one, we need to cope with the economic effect of this pandemic and food availability is something we need to achieve.

I am a proud farmer partner of ATI and DA RFO CALABARZON, and I will continue to support your programs voluntarily, Mr. Buncha said over a phone interview. To date, he has already distributed almost 10,000 seedlings of various vegetables ready for planting.

When asked if he is worried about putting his own health at stake, As long as I am following the rules of social distancing, I think I am perfectly fine, he added.

Bunch Farm, located in Lucena City, Quezon is one of ATI CALABARZON’s certified Learning Site for Agriculture (LSA) since 2016. Mr. Buncha left his corporate job in 2004 to pursue farming. Since then, has already received multiple awards in agriculture.

Edited: MGJaurigue