Netizens Get Ready for Summer with ATI’s Webinar on Natural Juices

TRECE MARTIRES CITY, Cavite – Agricultural Training Institute in CALABARZON brought to public its second episode of “ATI@HOME (Agricultural Technologies thru Internet at Home) Learning Site for Agriculture Product Series”, focused on the production of natural juices.

The webinar opened opportunities for online participants/farming enthusiasts to become more productive and to maximize their existing resources into productive farming endeavor. The ATI@Home episode brought to the spotlight healthy and nutritious cool drinks which can be consumed by households, at the same time generate additional income.

This episode which lasted for more than an hour, featured Learning Site for Agriculture (LSA) cooperator and Laly’s Farmville owner, Ms. Normita “Nonette” Perez’ natural juices. Perez demonstrated in detail how to properly harvest fresh produce from the farm and turn them into natural juices such as Calamansi juice concentrate, Calamansi juice with Cucumber, Guyabano concentrate, and Passion fruit juice.

It was aired simultaneously last March 19, 2021 at 1:30 in the afternoon on ATI CALABARZON Facebook page and ATI Calabarzon AgriStudio YouTube channel. It peaked at 187 views and recorded a total of 263 registrants.

The third episode of this webinar series will be aired on May 2021. For updates, kindly visit: and

With reports from: Hans Christopher Flores