CRA beneficiaries complete CSFBS

CSFBS graduates and CRA beneficiaries pose for a group photo with ATI IV-A, Dr. Rolando Maningas and Ms. Sherylou Alfaro.

CALATAGAN, Batangas - A major component of the Climate Resilient Agriculture (CRA) project, participants complete the four-month Climate Smart Farm Business School (CSFBS) training.
Aimed to capacitate the farmers to become “Agripreneurs,” CSFBS covered topics from farm business management and planning to climate and weather information systems that they can use for the community. Ms. Sharon Calimag, Agricultural Technologist facilitated the CSFBS sessions every Thursday from August 24 to December 12, 2018.

Additionally, the 30 participants learned organic production of pigs, chicken, and vegetable and process of making organic fertilizers and concoctions, encompassed in Integrated Diversified Organic Farming System (IDOFS) module.

The Field Day Graduation of the CRA beneficiaries was held last January 10, 2019 in this municipality. Ms. Sherylou C. Alfaro, Chief of Partnerships and Accreditation Services (PASS) Section, together with the Project Officer, Dr. Rolando Maningas represented CD Marites Piamonte-Cosico in the event.

Content: Hans Christopher Flores

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