STA. BARBARA, PANGASINAN - As the year starts, the Agricultural Training Institute-Regional Training Center 1 (ATI-RTC 1) conducted Consultation and Planning Workshop for FY 2022-2023 Programs, Projects, and Activities with Agriculture and Fisheries Extension (AFE) Stakeholders on February 24, 2022.
A total of 103 AFE stakeholders from Provincial, City and Municipal Local Government Units (PCMLGUs), National Government Agencies (NGAs), State Universities and Colleges (SUCs), and Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) in the region participated in the activity, 60 of them joined via virtual and 43 attended face-to-face at ATI-RTC 1, Tebag East, Sta. Barbara, Pangasinan.
The main objective of the activity was to present the Center’s FY 2022 Programs, Projects, and Activities (PPAs) and to gain commitments and support of the stakeholders in the implementation of these. Point Persons of different banner programs presented the coverage of the target PPAs, schedule of implementation, and the number and type of beneficiaries. Through workshops and discussions, extension needs of the stakeholders were gathered as basis in crafting the FY 2023 Plans and Budget Proposals (PBPs).
Highlights of the activity also include the presentation of Accomplishment Report of the Center in 2021. Likewise, the Extension Support, Education and Training Services (ESETS) of the Department of Agriculture-Regional Field Office 1, and the Extension Programs and Services of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources-Regional Fisheries Office No. 1 were also presented.
ATI-RTC 1 Center Director Dr. Rogelio C. Evangelista emphasized in his message the shifting roles of local government units under the Mandanas Doctrine. He also reiterated the essence of learning sites for agriculture, school for practical agriculture, and extension service providers as private partners in the delivery of extension services in their respective localities.
“The Department of Agriculture has these four pillars built in its Reform Agenda namely, Consolidation; Modernization; Industrialization; and Professionalization, wherein ATI focuses on Professionalization. ATI is tasks to capacitate and professionalize AFE Stakeholders through various extension modalities”, Center Director Evangelista added.
The activity ended through a commitment signing between ATI-RTC 1 and AFE Stakeholders. This ceremonial signing implies the strong supports and partnerships in the execution and operationalization of the Center’s plans and programs.