STA.BARBARA,PANGASINAN – On February 10, 2021, agriculture and fisheries extension (AFE) stakeholders from Region I came together for the 2021 Work and Financial Plan Consultation and 2022 Planning Workshop at the Agricultural Training Institute-Regional Training Center I (ATI-RTC I) Multi-Purpose Hall, Tebag East, Sta. Barbara, Pangasinan. Several participants from various cities and municipalities in the region also joined the workshop via Google Meet.
ATI-RTC I led the activity with the participation of the Department of Agriculture-Regional Field Office I (DA-RFO I), and Region I provincial agriculturists and veterinarians, city/municipal agriculturists, and learning site for agriculture cooperators. The Consultation Workshop aims to inform AFE stakeholders about the Center’s Work and Financial Plan as well as harmonize programs/projects with other partner agencies. Likewise, the institute intends to solicit a comprehensive, unified and collaborative commitment among its stakeholders.
The preparation of plans and budgets for F.Y 2022 considered aspects like priority areas, responsive and relevant to the varying needs of the changing times.
On the other hand, Dr. Erlinda Manipon, DA-RFO I OIC-Regional Technical Director, talked about “ONE DA” program of the Department of Agriculture (DA). She said that “ONE DA” is a ‘holistic approach to agriculture and fisheries transformation’ that features ‘12 key strategies’ to grow the country’s agriculture starting this year.
Ms. Manipon further urged the unity of DA-attached agencies and bureaus, local government units, and private sectors toward agricultural development in the region.
The following were the topics discussed during the activity:
a. Presentation of 2020 Accomplishment Report
b. ATI New Policy Direction & Proposed Bill on Magna Carta for Agricultural Extension Workers
c. DA-RFO I Presentation of Extension, Support, Education, Training, and Services
d. BFAR Presentation of 2021 Extensions, Plans, and Programs
e. ATI Presentation of F.Y 2021 Plans and Programs
f. ATI Rice Program Presentation of Palay Timpalak Guidelines
A workshop was also done on the Finalization of 2021 Work and Financial Plan Execution and Preparation of Extension Plan for 2022.
The activity ended through a commitment signing indicating the partners' strong support to the execution of 2021 & 2022 Plans and Programs of the Institute.