free seminar in agriculture

Income-generating Technologies in Horticulture Showcased at Free Seminar

DILIMAN, Quezon City— To encourage more people to venture into farming as a source of healthy food and income for the family, the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) conducted a one-day free seminar on plant propagation and nursery management of horticultural crops.

The first part of the seminar focused on the methods and techniques of plant propagation and effective nursery management as presented by Dr. Danilo Peñira, a retired professor from the Isabela State University. He emphasized the importance of environmental-friendly crop propagation.

Edible Landscaping Experts Urge Urban Families to Grow Own Food

QUEZON CITY, Metro Manila—To encourage urban residents to grow their own food at home and ensure food security for their families, the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) conducted a free seminar on edible landscaping.

Speakers during the event were Architect Patricia Regalado and Fely Sadio of Flor's Garden, an ATI-certified Learning Site on organic agriculture in Antipolo, Rizal. They shared information about the components, functions, and benefits of edible landscaping.

Free Seminar Highlights Local Medicinal Herbs

Dr. Mechelle Palma of Remnant Institute Inc. at the ATI Free Seminar in Quezon City.

DILIMAN, Quezon City—Highlighting the benefits of “medicinal farming” in the country, the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) held a free seminar on the production and processing of herbs and spices.

Dr. Mechelle Palma, lifestyle medicine specialist, served as resource person during the seminar. Palma is also the CEO of Remnant Institute Inc., an ATI-certified extension services provider.

In her lecture, Palma talked about herb utilization and processing, as well as culinary herbs and culinary medicine.

Plant Propagation Techniques Showcased at Free Seminar

DILIMAN, Quezon City—Agriculture enthusiasts once again flocked the Agricultural Training Institute’s (ATI) free seminar where technologies on nursery management and plant propagation were discussed.

Farming experts Maiko Gil Hiwatig and Maximo Din from MoCa Family Farm RLearning Center, Inc. (MFFRLC) in Padre Garcia, Batangas were invited to share effective farming practices for propagation and the nursery.

Free Seminar Highlights Value-Adding of Mango

Engr. Erlyn Billones of Guimaras National Crop Research, Development, and Production Support Center

DILIMAN, Quezon City—Mango, the third most important fruit crop in the country next to banana and pineapple, has been getting huge market demand for both fresh and processed product.

To help boost this industry, the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) once again highlighted mango in one of its free seminars this year.

Resource persons from the Bureau of Plant Industry-Guimaras National Crop Research, Development, and Production Support Center (BPI-GNCRDPSC) were invited to talk about mango production and processing.

ATI Today

Extension services continue to evolve. With the challenges that extension workers and farmers face, the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) continues to explore various strategies to improve its efforts as the extension and training arm of the Department of Agriculture. In over 30 years, the ATI has celebrated various successes and learned from the lessons during hard times. Nonetheless, we are proud to be standing the test of time through the support of our partners and the clientele themselves. This is the ATI Today, more committed to bring you extension services beyond boundaries.  


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