
For the Second Time, "Accidentally"

In my blog "Life according to Jim", one of the life lessons I mentioned was 'be accident prone'. I was thinking when would it happen to me, until I read "Not Once But Twice" did I realize that it already did. Photography always fascinates me ever since I can remember. I always look for ways of improving what little I know of this craft. Since I don't have any formal training on photography, I never entertained joining any photography contests.

BLOG to Blogs

It's a sure-fire tip for blogging. Take it from Jim Paredes. You can't go wrong with him when blogging ( or

B -be sure you write and consistently write. You must have the passion to write. It's the passion that makes you write well.

L -link your blog with top blogs of your topic. Borrow credibility and do not forget to credit information source. This is also a way of expanding your reach.

Among the Things I Learned from Jim

DISCLAIMER: Sorry to disappoint Dad, but this is not about the things you taught me. (yeah! my father’s Jim……Agsawa!) *grin* Not that I am, in anyway, ungrateful for all the lessons I’ve learned from you. It’s just that this is some kind of a different lesson (experience) for me. *wink!*

I used to write because I NEED to… until I started to write because I WANT to. Writing for me is a very passionate, intimate way of expressing my feelings, ideas, and experiences. It’s like pouring my heart’s content in every word and sharing a piece of me to whoever reads it.

OA Blogger Din Ako!

As I have been oriented on how organic farming is being practised, I am for it.

Visiting some organic farms recently convinced me that we can go back to the way things were.
I was amazed with the food that we tasted, with the drinks they gave us. With simple preparations and without artificial seasonings, they tasted so good. That's why slowly I am doing it at home.

The ATIiNteractive

As part of our strategy to enhance the image of the ATI, to prove that we can... the ATIiNteractive has evolved.
Our new frontend shows the different features of our site where it would just be one click away to access the main site of the ATI (the corporate site of our organization), the ATI Intranet (where internal communications happen), the ATI Webmail (our official e-mail), and most especially the e-Extension portal.
This is just the beginning, expect some more to come...

ATI Today

Extension services continue to evolve. With the challenges that extension workers and farmers face, the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) continues to explore various strategies to improve its efforts as the extension and training arm of the Department of Agriculture. In over 30 years, the ATI has celebrated various successes and learned from the lessons during hard times. Nonetheless, we are proud to be standing the test of time through the support of our partners and the clientele themselves. This is the ATI Today, more committed to bring you extension services beyond boundaries.  


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