
Agristoryahay sa ATI: Agricultural Extension Delivery Without Boundaries

One of the ATI’s guiding mantra is extension delivery beyond boundaries. Before the pandemic happened, this is easier said than done. There is always a question of turfing or even the limitations and legal ramifications imposed when you literally go beyond your Physical Boundaries. Of course, boundaries could be interpreted not only in the Physical sense as everything is open to interpretation, and for the Commission on Audit, justification.

Earning a Living from Meat and Fish Processing

Since the pandemic prompted everyone to stay at home, most of the popular restaurants and those in the food business have resorted to takeout or online selling. In these dire times, keeping one’s business afloat above troubled waters in the midst of pandemic and not finding ways and means to generate the cash flow would most likely cause the business to cease. Businesses that are commodity-based, that needs physical contact, and relies on heavy foot traffic will need to make major changes to adapt or else they will eventually fold.

when “canned” medium becomes a trend in extension

When I was in my junior year in college, my professor asked us to submit a some-sort-of-canned output for our final presentation in our Radio and TV class. With scarce resources where gadgets and home-studios were once a luxury (especially in the ’90s), we end up recording our canned project to government-owned studios, careful not to overuse nor damage the reel-to-reel audiotape for we were allowed to record using their equipment for free.

‘AgriStoryahay’ episodes for September showcase Beekeeping, Meat and Fish processing

ATI Compound, EL SALVADOR CITY---Spectacular episodes await viewers this month of September as topics on Beekeeping, Honey Processing, Meat Processing and Ham Making and Fish Processing are slated for “AgriStoryahay sa ATI” webinar series. The said webinar series of the Agricultural Training Institute-Regional Training Center X (ATI-RTC X) is off to another fresh episodes focused surely to inform, enlighten and delight agri-enthusiasts from all walks of life.

Awesome 'AgriStoryahay' episodes await viewers this August

ATI Compound, EL SALVADOR CITY--- The “AgriStoryahay sa ATI” webinar series of the Agricultural Training Institute-Regional Training Center X (ATI-RTC X) is off to another fresh and informative episodes focused on Free Range Chicken Production & Management, Itik Pinas Production, and a 2-part episodes on Swine Raising and Management. These awesome episodes are slated this month of August in support to the Advocacy on Back to Basics: Sustainable Livestock Production initiative.

'AgriStoryahay sa ATI' to air episodes on Nutrition, Hydroponics, Mushroom, Free Range Chicken Production this July

ATI Compound, EL SALVADOR CITY---Delivering strong episodes week after week, the “AgriStoryahay sa ATI” web series of the Agricultural Training Institute-Regional Training Center X (ATI-RTC X) is off to another fresh and informative episodes focused on various commodity-based and farming technologies on Hydroponics Gardening, Mushroom Production & Processing, Free Range Chicken Production and Management and a special feature about how to stay healthy in this time of covid-19 pandemic.


ATI Today

Extension services continue to evolve. With the challenges that extension workers and farmers face, the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) continues to explore various strategies to improve its efforts as the extension and training arm of the Department of Agriculture. In over 30 years, the ATI has celebrated various successes and learned from the lessons during hard times. Nonetheless, we are proud to be standing the test of time through the support of our partners and the clientele themselves. This is the ATI Today, more committed to bring you extension services beyond boundaries.  


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