Jose Rey Y. Alo

Farmer Field School Graduation: Outsider Looking In

There are graduations and then there are Farmer Field School (FFS) graduations. Obing Macario, in her Balm to the Spirit post, gives us a quick and succinct description of what goes on in a FFS graduation. She tells us how, even after attending so many FFS graduations, each one always evokes that unique feeling of fullfilment only an extensionist can discern.

NAIA Terminal 3 Sleepover

It was New Year's Day and quite unlikely, I was already going on a trip, though for a more personal reason. That's another blog story really, but it was that which brought me to experience first-hand how it was to sleep over at NAIA Terminal 3 -- how to experience being like our regional coordinators, our agricultural extension workers from the Visayas and Mindanao. Yes, the AEW also flies! And can sleep in airports.

Retro-Post: Thank You for the Music

The event was held in January 2012 but I missed posting about it. So here it is in December, retro mode of course.

It's ATI's 25th anniversary, quite an auspicious day for giving out awards, a perfect day for receiving one. But what's with the ABBA song? Later.

It was a usual week-long celebration, but this time ATI honored 25 of its institutional/individual partners. I felt esteemed to be one of them.

The citation reads:

e-Learning by the Numbers

It is another of those once-in-a-lifetime calendar days, this 12/12/12. Though really just representing a short day format, it is nevertheless, the last time that you'll see calendar days align. The next one will be a century later, in Jan. 1, 2101 when it's 01/01/01. Lucky day or not, I wouldn't notice. Definitely, 12/11 is more relevant for me. It's e-Learning's [for agriculture and fisheries] birthday!

6 Reasons to Hold Your Training at ATI-CAR, in Benguet Again

It's my nth stay at ATI-CAR, the ATI training center for the Cordilleras. Located in La Trinidad, the capital town of Benguet, it is the first compound you'll see upon entering the campus of Benguet State University (BSU). I can't even remember now how many times I have conducted trainings there. I just don't seem to get tired of the place.

Here are 6 reasons why:


ATI Today

Extension services continue to evolve. With the challenges that extension workers and farmers face, the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) continues to explore various strategies to improve its efforts as the extension and training arm of the Department of Agriculture. In over 30 years, the ATI has celebrated various successes and learned from the lessons during hard times. Nonetheless, we are proud to be standing the test of time through the support of our partners and the clientele themselves. This is the ATI Today, more committed to bring you extension services beyond boundaries.  


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