Career Development & Management

To strengthen the competitiveness and capacities of the AF Extension sector, ATI focuses on Training and Curriculum Development, Scholarship Management and Career Development.

Training and Curriculum Development

One of the core functions of ATI is to strengthen the capacities of the three pillars of the National Extension System, namely: National Government Agencies, alongside State Universities and Colleges (SUCs); Local Government Units; and the Private Sector. To achieve this, ATI pursues various initiatives related to capability building, including the conduct of training needs survey, course designing, module development, training techniques and methodologies innovation. Specialized training programs are also conducted for Extension Service Providers, particularly on work leadership enhancement, emerging managers program to accelerate performance development, senior executive development program, motivating and managing performance and project management fundamentals.

Moreover, ATI is also working on strengthening the collaboration with ASEAN through the implementation of training programs under the Project for Strengthening Capacity Building in Agriculture Sector in ASEAN Countries and the ASEAN Working Group on Agricultural Training and Extension (AWGATE).

Scholarship Management

In its pursuit to promote agriculture among the youth and reward performance in the Agriculture and Fisheries Extension (AFE) sector, ATI offers degree and non-degree scholarship programs, including higher education scholarships for agricultural extension workers.

The scholarship programs for the youth is in support to the children of smallholder farmers and fishers. This is to encourage the youth to pursue studies and eventually have a professional career in agriculture and/or venture in 'agripreneurship'.

Career Development

This program aims to grow and retain talents in the AFE sector through career development especially designed for AEWs and the management of a merit and promotion system for extension.

ATI envisions the empowerment of the LGU frontline service providers with opportunities for career advancement, with the hope that it will encourage them to be more driven and passionate in delivering quality extension services. With this, the ATI is working towards the development and implementation of guidelines for the National Merit Awards and Incentives System for AFE Personnel that would entail the evaluation of achievements, performances, as well as demonstration of exceptional job responsibilities, in order to recognize and grant incentives to deserving AEWs.

Other Related Programs

ATI is tasked under Republic Act 10601, or the Agricultural and Fisheries Mechanization (AFMech) Law, to formulate and implement training and scholarship programs for agricultural engineers and AEWs to continuously upgrade their technical and management capabilities.

Moreover, ATI also serves as the National Secretariat of the Department of Agriculture's Annual Search for Gawad Saka Outstanding Farmers and Fisherfolk to give honor and due recognition to the dedicated individuals, groups and institutions for their exemplary contributions to the advancement of the Philippine agricultural development.

ATI Today

Extension services continue to evolve. With the challenges that extension workers and farmers face, the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) continues to explore various strategies to improve its efforts as the extension and training arm of the Department of Agriculture. In over 30 years, the ATI has celebrated various successes and learned from the lessons during hard times. Nonetheless, we are proud to be standing the test of time through the support of our partners and the clientele themselves. This is the ATI Today, more committed to bring you extension services beyond boundaries.