
The Joys of 2014

My second blog for the year… and I am so much thankful for 2014, it’s been one of the greatest. I had so many experiences to linger, from home to work and to life in general.

My first blog talks about my experiences that provided me and my family another life to celebrate despite the all not-so-good turnout of events. Thus, clinging the past recounting all the mess will just lead us into woe.

Memories of "e"

Positive results evoke happy memories.

I was with Meitats when she presented her dissertation on "Learners' Intention to Continue Using ATI's e-learning Program". Why I was there?

Stick-to-e-tiveness. Meitats belongs to the "e" class. I am immersed in the "e" program and I cannot miss knowing how we fare in our "e" efforts. Here's what she presented.

We are the e-Team!

Trials in all walks of life are essential to test how we would react, but most especially on how these trials would mold us on how to be a better individual. We may not be perfect, but as they say our imperfections make us really perfect. And for an effective teamwork to happen, the members must complement what their fellow members can do for the group, for a specific goal, more so for the successful implementation of a program / project.

e-Extension Program in the Eyes of a Farmer

Recently I assisted the Regional Farm Family Forum (RFFF) in Calbayog City on May 22-23, 2013. Since ATI started conducting RFFF, orientation on e-Extension has always been a part of the affair. This year's orientation, just like in the last three (3) years, was doing well with the usual queries from the audience. However, I was taken aback when a 4-H'er from Biliran province asked, "In your own perception, do you think the e-Extension Program made significant impact in the lives of the farmers?" That was hard. While thinking for an answer, I saw Sir Mike raised his hand to my relief.

Blues of a Newbie-Working-Mom...

Going back. Three months have come and gone, seems like a long time but when spent with our daughter, it felt like a speck of a minute. Days pass by quickly as I dreaded the last day of my maternity leave. Although the idea of being a fulltime mom and taking a year (or more) off of work was very tempting, I opted otherwise since providing her needs was top priority. Honestly, I was really anxious going back to the big Metro and work, not for myself but more for our daughter.


ATI Today

Extension services continue to evolve. With the challenges that extension workers and farmers face, the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) continues to explore various strategies to improve its efforts as the extension and training arm of the Department of Agriculture. In over 30 years, the ATI has celebrated various successes and learned from the lessons during hard times. Nonetheless, we are proud to be standing the test of time through the support of our partners and the clientele themselves. This is the ATI Today, more committed to bring you extension services beyond boundaries.  


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