Capacitating Learning Sites for Agriculture and Farm Schools on Digital Agriculture Course

ABORLAN, PALAWAN - A total of 25 Farm School and Learning Site for Agriculture representatives who are conducting Farmers Field School under the Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund (RCEF)-Rice Extension Services Program in the Province of Palawan graduated from the Training of Trainers (TOT) on Digital Agriculture Course on May 24-25, 2022 at Dos Four Dos, Brgy. Magsaysay, Aborlan, Palawan.

The TOT aims to capacitate the participants in implementing digital literacy training among farmers in their respective areas.

During training proper, the participants learned the different features of smartphones as well as other digital platforms that could be used to market their products. Also, they used and explore rice-related agriculture applications and tools such as Rice Crop Manager, AgriDOC App, Binhing Palay App, and Pinoy Rice Knowledge Bank, among others.

Agriculturist I Ms. Karen A. Tulay, Project Development Assistant I Cyrus Jay V. Escolastico, and Project Development Assistant I Cholie Ann C. Mirhan served as Resource Speakers during the TOT.

The TOT also covered the topics of Advance Social Media Marketing, e-Commerce platforms, Digital Transactions/Online Payment, Accessing the internet, and Internet Safety Tips.

On the last day of the training, the participants were able to prepare a rollout plan as part of their final output. Moreover, they were reminded of the training requirement, a 5-10 minutes recorded microteaching session to be submitted to the ATI in MiMaRoPa five (5) working days after the training.