AEWs in Palawan Train to Fight FAW

Participants identify the insect they collected during their on-field activity

FAW is a lepidopteran pest that is highly destructive pest in cereals and other important cultivated plants. In the Philippines, the Fall Armyworm (FAW) was first detected in corn and sugarcane in Cagayan Province.

Thus, as a quick response to ensure long-term management options to control Fall Armyworm (FAW) infestation to crops specifically corn, the Department of Agriculture through the Agricultural Training Institute-MiMaRoPa conducted Training of Trainers on Corn Production Technologies: Management of Fall Army Worm at Maharlika Resort, Brgy. Antipuluan, Narra, Palawan on May 17 – 19, 2022.

The training primarily aims to capacitate the agricultural extension workers on how manage and control its spread to crops, thereby, reduce damages that may affect the productivity, production and profit losses.

During the three-day TOT, the resource persons discussed the history and status of FAW in the country. Moreover, they highlighted the pest and diseases management of FAW in crops, particularly in corn using different kinds of biological control agents.

The training also included on-field activities such as preparation and setting up of FAW pheromone traps as one of the alternative methods in minimizing FAW. After the said installation of traps, the participants were also able to conduct monitoring and surveillance of FAW the following day and identify the damage and features of FAW. The data gathered from their field activity were presented by the participants citing different strategies and recommendation to avoid outbreak.

“We have learned a lot in this TOT. Aside from lecture, we have really appreciated the field visitation and activities for us to have an actual experience on how to manage the FAW,” Norbert John Escalaña, AEW from LGU-Brooke’s Point Palawan.
Moreover, the participants said that the knowledge they have gained from the TOT will be transferred to the farmers in their respective localities.

A total of 23 AEWs from Southern Palawan attended the said TOT.

Second batch of TOT on FAW for AEWs in Northern Palawan will be held on May 24 – 26, 2022 at New Agutaya, San Vicente, Palawan.