ATI MIMAROPA Launches its YouTube Channel

YouTube Channel of ATI MIMAROPA

With country’s current situation, social media changed the agriculture method and means of filling the knowledge gap for people seeking new farming technologies, best practices and agricultural advisories.

ATI MIMAROPA as apex agency of the Department of Agriculture in the delivery of extension services is no exception to create innovations and initiatives to transfer appropriate technologies to stakeholders, particularly to farmers in this time of pandemic. That’s why, it launched the official YouTube channel of the agency to provide quick access to videos in agri-information and technology.

It also enables online stakeholders to revisit or go back to their missed episodes of ATI’s AgriTalks, digitized knowledge products, topis on School-on-the-Air Programs and many more.

Moving further, ATI MIMAROPA is committed to create more engaging, more interesting, more appropriate and more innovative content for its viewers as it lives on with their tagline “Excellent Extension Services BEYOND Boundaries!

For those who are interested and be updated of latest technologies in agriculture, they may subscribe and follow ATI MIMAROPA’s official YouTube channel at “atimimaropa”. They may also follow and like other social media accounts in FaceBook, Instragram and Twitter with same account name.