Family: In the Most Unexpected Event

Family is not always by blood. Sometimes, it is found and felt during the most unexpected event. Just like what happened to Randy Eusebio when he found an extension of his family during the Regional Learning Site for Agriculture (LSA), School for Practical Agriculture (SPA) and Extension Service Provider (ESP) Summit 2020. An event where different cooperators of ATI certified LSAs, SPAs and ESPs met to collaborate and strengthen their bonds as ATI’s “children” for extension at Yamang Bukid Farm in Brgy. Bacungan, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan.

Kuya Randy as many called him is a cooperator of Eusebio Farm, an ATI certified LSA in Brgy. Waygan, Mansalay, Oriental Mindoro. His commodity is focused on corn-based farming. When he was invited to attend the said summit, a “NO” never crossed his mind though the venue is quite far from his home, considering his medical condition.

Together with his wife, Araceli Eusebio, they attended the summit from February 24 to 28, 2020. This was where they discussed important matters in LSA, SPA and ESP operations and their obligations as cooperators, among others. Like any other cooperators who were first timers in Yamang Bukid Farm, another certified LSA of ATI MiMaRoPa, he was in awe with its farm structure much more with their ideology and mission in helping farmers and youth in agriculture.

Every morning or when there were idle times, he and his wife used to walk around the farm. They also met and talked to Bro. Goerge F. Maria, son of the owner of Yamang Bukid. A talk about anything especially on his farm operations and beneficiaries, until it shifted to his health condition. It was just a meeting with another cooperator, though. But one moment could lead into a blessing, as Kuya Randy described it.

Never did he know that on the next day, a surprise of his life happened. Sir Rene L. Maduro, owner of Yamang Bukid Farm gave him a check worth P30,000.00 that could help him either for his medication or for his farm operation. This, he said, also came from the farmers of Yamang Bukid. Not only that, he also offered P30,000.00 worth of seeds.

Kuya Randy couldn’t contain his happiness and gratitude. He said that he didn’t expect having those kinds of blessings.

“Hindi ko ineexpect na sa ganitong pagtitipon ay mabibigyan ako ng blessings na maaari kong gamitin na mas mapaganda ang aking farm at matulungan ang mga Mangyan na syang pangunahing kliyente ko at katulong sa aming farm,” Kuya Randy thankfully expressed.

Although they are not family by blood, but Kuya Randy said that the spirit of cooperation and support towards a member outshine as they consider each one of them an ATI family.

As a so-called “parent” of agricultural extension, ATI MiMaRoPa is so proud of what transpired during the summit. Indeed, a family is not by blood, but rather it is also about who is willing to hold your hand and uplift you when you need it the most.

Kudos Yamang Bukid for extending help to your “family member”!