ATI MiMaRoPa, TESDA Partner for Farm School Program

Geared to harmonize extension components such as training programs, enterprise development assistance and communication support services to efficiently improve knowledge, attitude and skills of Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund (RCEF) beneficiaries on producing more rice at reduced production cost, the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) MiMaRoPa spearheaded the Consultation Workshop/Meeting with TESDA and TESDA Accredited Farm Schools and Applicants on February 5, 2020 in Puerto Princesa City, Palawan.

During the workshop, the highlights of the Republic Act 11203 otherwise known as Rice Tariffication Law were discussed by the ATI MiMaRoPa representatives. In addition, they presented the PhilRice Industry Roadmap 2040, the requirements for Learning Site expansion and Facilitator’s Guide on TOT on Production of High-Quality Inbred Rice and Seeds and Farm Mechanization.

Meanwhile, TESDA presented their processes on farm school accreditation. They also discussed the updates on farm schools and applicants. Moreover, they had an open forum regarding the implementation of learning sites and farm schools relative to RCEF implementation.

Present during the activity were 41 participants consisting of representatives from TESDA, ATI staff headed by Mr. Pat Andrew B. Barrientos, Center Director, learning site and farm school cooperators and applicants.