A New Taste of Cassava

A total of 61 participants composed of Agricultural Extension Workers and Farmers attended the two batches of Skills Training on Cassava Processing in Buenavista, Marinduque and Ferrol, Romblon on May 7 – 9, 2019 and May 27 – 29, 2019, respectively.

The trainings were part to promote cassava as staple food in relation to the implementation of the Staple Food Sufficiency Program of DA. In addition, it also increases the utilization of cassava in the municipalities and makes an income-generating activities more profitable. This will also promote the gender and development (GAD) and recognize the shares of women in the society.

During the training, the participants became aware on GAD and the rights of women and children, particularly on what is stated in the Republic Act 9262 or Anti-Violence Against Women and their Children Act. They said that the topics were very effective because it boosts their morale as women and also, the men participants also appreciated their wives and women in general.

But what appreciated most of the participants was the hands-on cooking of different recipes of cassava such as cassava cake, cassava cheesecakes, espasol, croquette, cassava roll and pichi-pichi, among others.

After the training, they expressed that the harvested cassava will no longer feed to their animals, but instead it will have a new taste and become a worthwhile business initiative.

To start their endeavor, ATI MiMaRoPa gave a set of measuring cup and spoon, apron and another PPE. They were also provided with copy of cassava recipes.