FORUM Has Completed the Four Phases of ICS

Finally! Farmers Organization for Rural Upliftment of Mindoro (FORUM) has finally completed the four (4) Phases of Internal Control System (ICS).

ICS is the part of a documented quality assurance system that allows an external certification body to inspect such individual or group whether they have a well-functioning system and followed the standard set by the certifying body.

In FORUM’s case, they are seeking to apply for an organic livestock and calamansi concentrate products. To ensure that FORUM comply with set of standards, they have established an ICS.

The training helped them formulate their internal guidelines in livestock and calamansi production for organic certification. Also, the participants were able to identify and categorize the process and qualification for organic certification as well as the sanctions and violations for disqualification. They also created the personnel in charge for internal inspection, quality control and the approval committee in the internal control system of their organization. The members and officers of the organization agreed to comply with the set internal control system they formulated in this training and they will present it to the top management of their organization.

After this training, ATI MiMaRoPa will forward their created module to DA-Regional Field Office MiMaRoPa for review and eventually application for certification.