Food Safety for All

Empowering farmers, agricultural producers and food processors in safe food production through the integration of Food Safety Management System, two (2) batches of Training on Safe Food Practice in Early Stage On-Farm Production: Integration of Food Safety Management System (FSMS) for Local Farmers and Food Producers were conducted last October 24-26 and 29-31, 2018 at ATI RTC MiMaRoPa, Barcenaga, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro. These were attended by 53 local food producers.

During the training, the participants learned the guidelines and importance of Good Agricultural Practices, Good Manufacturing Practices and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points.

This training which introduced to farmers and processors will improve the quality and efficiency of production, product development which will help reduce food-borne diseases and ensuring food safety to the end users.

The training was proposed by the DOST –MiMaRoPa and funded through the ExPAND Program of the Center.