ATI MiMaRoPa Undergoes ISO Technical Guidance

In support to the upcoming ISO 9001 2015 certification of ATI MiMaRoPa, the Center undergoes ISO Technical Guidance cum Risk Assessment Plan and Quality Objectives Formulation Training-Workshop on June 13-15, 2018 at ATI-MiMaRoPa CAFÉ Hall, Barcenaga, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro.

Said activity aims to refresh and thoroughly prepare the Center’s process owners in terms of their respective procedures for the foreseen certification.

Among the highlights of the activity is the formulation of the risk assessment plan by all Sections and Units. Indeed, the critiquing led by Mr. Paul Mondonedo, resource person, meant a lot in the Center’s development of risk assessment plan.

The activity which was facilitated by the ATI-CO ISO Team was participated in by 27 process owners of ATI MiMaRoPa