As certification in organic agriculture booms, another three (3) smallholder groups, namely, Mina de Oro Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Multi-Purpose Cooperative (MAREBEMCO), Samahan ng Magpapatubig ng Mansalay, Inc. (SMMI) and Anilao Orcunuma Irrigators Association (ANILORCU) from different municipalities of Oriental Mindoro signified their intentions to undergo Phase I of Internal Control System (ICS). Phase I focuses on the installation requirements and comprehensive appreciation of the principles of organic agriculture and the elements of ICS

The 5-day training of Internal Control System for Smallholder Groups Phase I was participated by 15 members of smallholder groups of MAREBEMCO, SMMI and ANILORCU. It was conducted to prepare the group in documentation of product process flow and risk assessment to impose traceability in their production and processing.

During the training, lectures and workshops are part of their activities to further polish the documents needed for their third party certification. Also, the participants were informed about the requirements needed for the certification of their farming system. Clarifications concerning about the production and correct labeling of their produced as per stated in Philippine National Standard (PNS) were made clear.

At the end of the training, the participants were informed and capacitated about the Organic Agriculture Act of 2010, Internal Control System and the Standards needed for the certification.

Said activity was held on June 18-22, 2018 in ATI Integrated Learning and 4H Camp, Brgy. Labonan, Bongabong, Oriental Mindoro.