In- Focus : Rombloanons undergo Training on Climate Resilient Livestock Farming

Participants during mixing of ingredients for their feed

Corcuera, Romblon is an island municipality wherein livestock is one of the thriving means of living. The training on gender and development (GAD) entitled “Sustainable and Climate - Resilient Livestock Farming” became significant to the participants because it retorts to the limited supplies of feeds for their animals. Through this training, they were able to ferment silage using the plants that are readily available in their area such as madre de cacao, ipil-ipil, banana trunks, malunggay, alugbati, among others. Moreover, the participants also had their hands-on activities on feed formulation using inexpensive raw materials and concoctions. In addition, the participants had also a chance to ask questions regarding their dilemma in livestock farming. The resource person taught them of the alternative solutions in a practical and cost-efficient way.

Aside from these, the participants also appreciated the topics about gender and development and Anti-Violence Against Women and their Children Act since most of them are barangay officials and barangay nutrition scholars. According to the participants, they really appreciated the training because feeds of their animals won't be a problem now, especially that we are experiencing climate change and/or unpredictable weather condition.

Training on GAD was held on March 20 – 22, 2018 in Corcuera, Romblon with 32 participants.