LFTs from Marinduque and Romblon undergoes refresher briefing on Agri ICT Tools

A total of 24 Local Farmer Technicians from the municipalities of Marinduque and Romblon were oriented on the ICT Tools on Agriculture last March 20, 2018 at ATI MiMaRoPa Compound, Barcenaga, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro. Topics include the e-Extension Program particularly the e-learning courses, Rice Crop Manager updates, Pinoy Rice Knowledge Bank of PhilRice, Rice Knowledge Bank of IRRI, PhilRice Hotline and the Farmers’ Contact Center. After having been oriented on the ICT Tools, participants were encouraged to visit the Center’s e-Learning Lounge for other IEC materials that they can acquire and utilize in their respective fields.

Said briefing is part of the reorientation module of the Refresher Course for Local Farmer Technicians which was facilitated by the Partnership and Accreditation Services Section of Agricultural Training Institute-MiMaRoPa.