ATI MIMAROPA Holds 8th Management Review

Mr. Jayson Erondo presents PASS' Quality Objectives and Risk Assessment Plan

“We are holding this activity to evaluate our accomplishments and assess where we could improve our delivery of extension services to our clients,” Mr. Pat Andrew B. Barrientos, ATI MIMAROPA Center Director said during the opening of the 8th Management Review.

The 8th Management Review is an annual activity of ATI MIMAROPA in keeping up to the center’s mandate to deliver excellent extension services to its clients being an ISO 9001:2015 certified.

During the review, Ms. Josephine G. Darm, ISS Chief and Internal Quality Audit (IQA) Team Leader presented status of actions from the previous management review. According to her, the good thing about the management review is that there are no recurring problems as reflected from the previous years; hence, it was very effective avenue to disclose the issues and concerns and address it objectively. Afterwards, Ms. Manilyn M. Tejada, Project Evaluation Officer presented the Monitoring and Measurement Results (Target vs. Accomplishment for the second semester.

Aside from the above, process owners presented the information on the performance and effectiveness of quality management system as well as the status risk assessment plan and quality objectives. In addition, the IQA Members likewise presented the Audit Results findings to review whether the process owners follow the guidelines and procedures set by the institution. There were also presentation of financial accomplishment and human resource updates.
Moreover, to iron out issues and concerns and smoothen the implementation of ATI MIMAROPA services, an open forum for technical and administrative matters was held. This session also paved way to find strategies to improve the delivery of extension services for the upcoming activities in the years to come.

The said activity was attended by ATI staff on December 14, 2021 at ATI MIMAROPA, Barcenaga, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro.