ASEAN Integration on OA

The Training for 4H: Its Role in ASEAN Integration with emphasis on Organic Agriculture aims to capacitate the 4H officers and members on organic agriculture and be updated on ASEAN Economic Integration. It was held at ATI-RTC MiMaRoPa on June 23-25, 2018. This activity was attended by 28 4H officers and members from Oriental Mindoro.

Participants learned the ASEAN economic integration and identify the role of the youth in agriculture through the lectures and workshops of Mr. Darwin M. Sarabia, Information Officer II from Provincial Government of Oriental Mindoro. The principles and importance of organic agriculture were shared by Mr. Dewey M. Albufera, Magsasakang Siyentista and National Gawad Saka Awardee of 2017.

Also, they experienced to make organic concoctions like FPJ, FFJ, FAA and OHN. Further, they were re-oriented on the history of the 4H Club; its activities and interventions; and its rituals and ceremonies.