ATI conducts 2 Batches of Climate-Related Trainings

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Participants during the workshop on identifying risk areas

ATI-MiMaRoPa through its Information Services Section was able to conduct two training under the Climate Change Program for the month of March.

The first training entitled “Training Course on Use of Climate Risk Vulnerability Assessment” was conducted last March 6-8, 2018 at Barangay Pangulo, Calatrava, Romblon. Said training aims to develop community-based participatory assessment thru the use of climate risk vulnerability assessment. The training was participated by 30 local farmers from Brgy. Pangulo, Calatrava, Romblon. After attending the 3-day training, the participants are educated on the different effects of Climate Change as well . Further, they were introduced with some methodologies to address its effects. They even learned the various mitigation practices to reduce their contribution to the effects of climate change. Moreso, different disasters and risks in their respective places are also discussed. After knowing the level of vulnerability, the participants were able to develop adaptation strategies to climate change for their respective sites.

The second training was conducted at Puerto Princesa City, Palawan on March 13-15, 2018 and was attended by 23 AEWs and farmers. The training entitled “Training on Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources” generally aims to equip the participants to the different tools and strategies on water resources management. Many issues were discussed including the impacts of climate change in water resources in Palawan. Also, there were sharing on the different sources of water and different ways of conserving water. After the training, the participants were able to understand the various tools as well as strategies in water resource management. The importance of engaging to farming was also clarified and highlighted.