New Breeds of Extensionists Now Ready to Serve

AgRIDOC Gadruates

The 17 new breeds of extensionists are now ready to serve the rice farming community in the region after completing the 5-month-long training called Enabling AGRiDOC: A New Breed of Agricultural Development and Extension Officers of the Community.

The season-long training culminated on October 25, 2017 where the new AGRiDOCs were recognized.

In their impressions, AGRiDOCs were very grateful that despite the workloads in their respective offices and the requirements needed to be accomplished in the training, they were able to make it until the end.

“This training is really a sacrifice on my part because every after the training, I directly go to the hospital to attend my sick mother. Then, I go to office and the training with sleepless nights. But I have no regret, though, because it’s not only the technologies that I’ve got in the training, but more so, the changes it taught me as an extension worker and as a person,” Zeny Macuha, participant and Agricultural Technologist of Baco. “As I talk to you now, I can say that I am better now, not better than anyone else but better than yesterday.

Norberto C. Maur, Senior Agriculturist and Project Officer of the training highlighted that “there is a bigger responsibility awaited for you after the training. As a graduate, you are now embodied by the AGRiDOC’s creed and principles. And we really expect you to become real catalysts of development to help transform rice-based farming communities towards sustainable agriculture.”

Moreover, in the message of Director Luz A. Taposok which was delivered by Pat Andrew Barrientos, Center Director of ATI MiMaRoPa, she emphasized the role of AGRiDOC in the community.

“You are the key to the transformation of our communities in the countryside. You are entrusted to be the agents who would invigorate, strengthen the agricultural extension system and help make more farming communities competitive, sustainable and resilient,” Director Taposok said.

“Nothing is as rewarding as knowing that you are able to shape others’ lives and improve their social situation. That being able to contribute in nation-building gives you a sense of purpose,” she inspiringly added.
As she ended her message, Director Taposok challenged the graduates to improve the promotion and delivery of extension services and make it excellent beyond boundaries because they are the next generation of rice extensionists.

Part of the program was the awarding of ceremonial checks wherein ATI will fund their project proposals for their chosen beneficiaries amounting to PhP 50,000.00.

Enabling AGRiDOC was started from May 31 to October 24, 2017.