Renewed, Rejuvenated and Ready

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ATI MiMaRoPa staff during team building activities

After six months of extending services to its clientele, the staff of ATI-MiMaRoPa took a break from work and enjoyed its team building activities as part of the 1st semester mid-year assessment and 2nd semester planning workshop held on July 3 - 7, 2017 in ATI, Barcenaga, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro and in Occidental Mindoro.

Prior to the team building activities, Manilyn M. Tejada, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, presented the 1st semester’s target vs. accomplishment and assessed whether the targets for the sem have been properly implemented and reported. On the other hand, Mel Manalo, Planning Officer, laid the remaining activities of the center for the 2nd semester. In addition, Ruben P. Jugno, TCS I, led the open forum addressing the issues and concerns from the previous semester.

Afterwards, everyone was ready battling each group for the team building activities. All staff of ATI-MiMaRoPa were grouped into six and played each game with intensity, agility, confidence and enthusiasm. Exhausted, though, but they said that they felt renewed, rejuvenated and ready again to serve excellent extension services beyond boundaries to our stakeholders.