Online Training on Regional Agricultural Biotechnology Communication

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Bio Technology

The Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) in partnership with the Biotechnology Coalition of the Philippines (BCP) is scheduled to conduct the Regional Training on Agricultural Biotechnology Communication this first semester of 2020. Unfortunately, the pandemic, COVID-19 has affected the conduct of trainings in the agency.

Anent to this, all initial targets will be modified into 3 day-online trainings. Instead of clusterwide face to face trainings, a regional online training with 15 participants (preferably AEWs or SUC Representatives) will take place.
ATI-CO and BCP will provide training materials such as the online modules and reading references. All materials will be directly shipped to the regional training center. The training will run from July to September 2020. All expenses relative to above mentioned activity within the duration of trainings shall be charged to BCP.

Participants Info Sheet

Participants can register using the format provided above then send the accomplished form to and/or

Confirmation till July 17, 2020.

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