10-Day Intensive Training on Vegetable Production

High Value Crops Development Program had its successful start of the Season-Long Training of Trainers (SL-TOT) on Vegetable Production with its ten-day intensive training held last May 2-11, 2019. It was participated by 26 Agricultural Extension Workers and ATI staff from the province of Oriental Mindoro, Occidental Mindoro and Romblon.

This 10-day intensive which is part of SL-TOT is one of the identified extension modalities that aims to enhance the technical capacities and decision-making skills of partner-stakeholders and the AEWs. SL-TOT is coupled with the efficient conduct of Farmers’ Field School (FFS) with great impact for the farmers.

With this 10-day intensive, Vegetable Industry Situationer, ATI Thrusts and Program, Principles of Adult Learning, Climate Change, Cultural Management of Vegetables (Solanaceous, Cucurbits, Crucifers), Integrated Nutrient Management, Pests and Diseases and their Management, e-extension and Basics of Extension Delivery System were discussed.

The SL TOT on Vegetable Production will start on the first week of June and expected to end on October.