ATI MIMAROPA conducts Result-Based Management and Evaluation

As part of ATI strategy to have better knowledge and understanding of how its interventions work and come up with better-informed and evidence-based decisions towards continuous organizational improvement and reforms, the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) has been conducting a Result-Based Management and Evaluation (RBME) System annually.

For this year, ATI-MIMAROPA has a target of 364 respondents in the region who availed its extension services in 2019. It uses stratified proportionate sampling in the determination of respondents per province.

With this, Ms. Manilyn M. Tejada, Project Evaluation Officer together with Ms. Jean Alexa E. Templo is rolling its enumeration to the 56 participants/respondents in the Province of Marinduque who attended the trainings and other extension activities of ATI MIMAROPA last 2019.

Results upon the completion of the enumeration regionwide will be forwarded to ATI Central Office for consolidation and publishing which eventually show and report the performances of ATI Network not only in terms of the deliverables and outputs but rather on the positive changes that occurred in the lives of its clients.