Building Pool of Trainers: AEWs and farmers inform on the concepts of GAD

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BONGABONG, ORIENTAL MINDORO – To further widen the knowledge and equip the Agricultural Extension Workers (AEWs) and farmers from the provinces of the MiMaRoPa Region on the technologies of organic farming, the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) in MiMaRoPa conducted a five-day Training of Trainers (TOT) on Organic Agriculture Production Technology on April 18-22, 2022 at Jopats Resort and Hotel, Bongabong, Oriental Mindoro.

Also, the training aims to educate the AEWs and farmers on the Violence Against Women and their Children Act (VAWC), and basic concepts of Gender and Development (GAD) like Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, Gender Expression, and Sex Characteristics.

The first day of the training started with the discussion of Engr. Karen A. Tulay, Agriculturist I on the overview and schedule of the training. Then, it was followed by the lecture of Mr. Cyrus Jay V. Escolastico, Project Development Assistant I about organic vegetable production. In his lecture, Mr. Escolastico highlighted the proper cultural management of growing vegetables.

The second day was jam-packed with information on the concepts of GAD and VAWC. During the discussion with Ms. Bernadeth Castillo, the participants learned the significant difference between sex and gender, among others.

On the third day, the participants gained noteworthy information and technologies regarding organic concoctions and extracts from the lecture of Engr. Tulay. In the hands-on activities, the participants prepared the concoctions such as Fermented Plant Juice (FPJ), Fermented Fruit Juice (FFJ), Oriental Herbal Nutrient (OHN), and Fish Amino Acid (FAA).
In the afternoon session, the participants learned about organic free-range chicken Production discussed by Mr. Escolastico. In this particular topic, they learned the proper handling of eggs in the incubator and the management of organic chicks and chickens.

Mr. Nelson B. Gabutero served as a Resource Speaker on the fourth day of the training. Mr. Gabutero discussed silage and feed formulation wherein he had an actual demonstration on the preparation of organic feeds for livestock and poultry.

The participants visited the Gabutero Organic Farm on the last day of the training. Mr. Gabutero toured the participants on his farm and generously shared his best practices and technologies in organic farming.

A total of 28 AEWs and farmers attended the said training in which they were provided with a starter kit consisting of vegetable seeds, hand trowels, composts, and IEC materials.