ATI-MiMaRoPa Briefs AEWs and farmers on Rice Crop Manager

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Through the years, the features of the Rice Crop Manager (RCM) are continuously improving. It now includes a short messaging system, follow-up calls, and monitoring of farming practices in the field. With its holistic approach, RCM is now expanded into Rice Crop Manager Advisory Services (RCMAS). Thus, the Agricultural Training Institute in MiMaRoPa conducted a one-day briefing on RCM in Brooke’s Point, Palawan on April 28, 2022, to update the Agricultural Extension Workers (AEW and rice farmers on the new version of the RCM application.

Engr. Karen A. Tulay, Agriculturist I of the ATI in MiMaRoPa served as a Resource Speaker (RP) during the briefing. She discussed the component tools of RCMAS such as RCM User Registration, RCM Farmer and Farm Lot Registration, Rice Crop Manager (RCM), RCMPH Android App, RCM Messenger Service, RCM Farming Monitor, and RCM Farmer ID Maker.

During the hands-on activities, Engr. Tulay along with the Training Management Team guided the AEWs in downloading the RCM application using their cell phones. Afterward, they were assisted in the registration of their RCM accounts as well as in the operation of the RCM application.

The AEWs appreciated the one-day activity because they said that they learned the version of the RCM application. According to them, using an offline version of the RCM Android Application, they could now generate more recommendations to the rice farmers that could help them in rice farming.

On the other hand, the rice farmers understood the usage of RCM from the activity. They said that the continuous advocacy campaign of ATI-MiMaRoPa through conducting an RCM briefing helped them to appreciate and eventually adapt the recommendations given the said technology.

Mr. Renato A. Bacosa, Municipal Agriculturist from the Municipal Agriculture Office of Brooke’s Point graced the opening program of the activity.

The said briefing was participated in by 30 participants consisting of 20 Agricultural Extension Workers (AEWs) and ten (10) rice farmers from the municipalities of Brooke’s Point, Palawan.

A total of ten (10) RCM recommendations were generated using the RCM Android Application during the activity.