ATIng Pantry on Wheels Now Rolling

As continuation to the “ATIng Garden on Wheels” Project which was launched in 2020 and inspired by the Maginhawa Community Pantry, the Agricultural Training Institute-Regional Training Center MiMaRoPa rolls the “ATIng Pantry on Wheels” on April 29, 2021.

The “ATIng Pantry on Wheels” is our continuous partnership with the community for food sufficiency and security especially in this time of pandemic,” Ruben P. Jugno, Assistant Center Director said.

The ATIng Pantry on Wheels delivers free goods such as vegetables, fruits, rice, eggs and many more in the municipality of Naujan and City of Calapan. The said initiative aims to provide basic (food) needs to community households for free.

Jugno shares that instead of putting pantry or stall in one area, the Center decided to move around to reach those in need in a faster and safer way without worrying the influx of people while observing proper health protocols among the beneficiaries.

Goods were donated by Learning Site for Agriculture cooperators, ATI beneficiaries under Plant Plant Plant Program and Urban Agriculture, farmers, ATI staff and other stakeholders. Other vegetables were harvested from the ATIng Gulayan Project of ATI-MiMaRoPa.

“This initiative also shows how our projects and programs ripple its effect because most of our goods came from ATI recipients and beneficiaries. This time, they are the ones who share their blessings to the community which was once they received,” Jugno added.

There are two (2) ATIng Pantry on Wheels roving around Naujan and Calapan in Oriental Mindoro.