Enhancing Writing Skills of ATI-MiMaRoPa Staff

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To improve the writing skills of the ATI-MiMaRoPa staff, the Center through its Information Services Section held the “Skills-Based Capability Enhancement: Basic Writing Skills” on February 23, 2022, at the ATI-MiMaRoPa CAFÉ Hall, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro.

Ms. Josephine G. Darm, ISS Chief/Information Officer III served as Resource Speaker of the activity. The half-day session was filled with lectures on different types of writing; the principles of good writing skills; the barriers to writing; and how to improve one’s writing skills. Moreover, to further engage the participants, they were tasked to write an article about the activity and given a take-home task to better develop their writing skills.

Officer-in-Charge Assistant Center Director Mr. Norberto C. Maur gave his message during the activity. He stressed that the participants should take the training seriously to enhance their technical writing skills. Also, he said that the “Skills-Based Capability Enhancement” is a series of activities that aim to capacitate ATI employees on a different aspect to further deliver excellent extension services to its clients.

"I am grateful for the opportunity to learn and know some techniques in basic writing. Thank you to the whole Training Management Team for your service and patience with us. The training was very useful in our work for us to be able to express our suggestions, comments, feelings, and other things that we want to share with our co-workers, friends, and supervisor. Good communication using writing skills could lead to promotion and usefulness as a professional” Ms. Ayra May C. Adra, Bookkeeper, Admin and Finance Unit shared.

A total of 13 selected staff from the different sections and units of ATI-MiMaRoPa attended the face-to-face activity.