Online Rambutan Production is Now Ready to Enrol

Known for its attractive colors and exquisite taste, Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum) is seasonal fruit rich in sources of nutrients, antioxidants and other beneficial compounds. Its name was derived from the Malay word “rambut” which means “hairy” – a suitable description for this fruit. The fruit is oval shaped with a single seed.

With its drive to give farmers, youth, agripreneurs and other stakeholders an alternative mode of learning on how to grow rambutan in their localities, the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) – MiMaRoPa is proud announce that the e-learning course entitled “Sweet Hairy Balls: Rambutan Production” is already uploaded in the e-Extension portal managed by ATI.

Sweet Hairy Fruit: Rambutan Production is a five-module course that discusses varieties, crop establishment, cultural management practices, harvest and post-harvest management, and cost-and-return analysis.

The said course was developed by Erlan D. Pasana, Information Officer II of ATI MiMaRoPa in partnership with Quezon National Agricultural School. It is also the second online course developed by ATI MiMaRoPa next to “Hail the Quail: Online Course on Quail Production.

You may visit the Philippine e-Extension website to register and enroll in the said course.