ATI MiMaRoPa Initiates PAA Provincial Meeting

PAA Provincial Meeting

Around 60 Agriculturists gathered in Aroma Hotel and Resort, San Jose, Occidental Mindoro for the Philippine Association of Agriculturists (PAA) provincial meeting to strengthen the network of Agriculturists in the province of Occidental Mindoro.

Said meeting aims to gain better perspective and channel new technologies to agriculturists to uplift the lives in the countryside particularly in their respective localities. It also paved way to present updates in PAA as well as recruit new members for new licensed agriculturists.

During the meeting, some issues regarding PAA implementation and activities were raised such as the invitation of PAA members in congresses or summits. They said that once the PAA-Occidental Mindoro is organized, invitation should be per institution or organization (e.g. LGU, SUC) and not per individuals. Moreover, in terms of renewal of license, they suggested that ATI MiMaRoPa will make an endorsement letter with an attached list of PAA members to be forwarded to Professional Regulation Commission, so that the renewal can be done in batch.

Highlight of the activity was the election of officers of PAA-Occidental Mindoro Chapter.

Said meeting is facilitated by Mr. Ruben P. Jugno, Training Center Superintendent I of ATI MiMaRoPa and graced by Mr. Sofronio A. Barranda, Provincial Agriculturist of Occidental Mindoro on February 21, 2020.