Being Productive Despite Covid

Plant, Plant, Plant Program, drivers gardeners

(left to right) Driver Joegene L. Bahian, SGs Felipe Aguitong and Alven Macana, and Mr. Romeo Salcedo, the first harvest of their pehcay plants.

ATI-RTC X, EL SALVADOR CITY, MISAMIS ORIENTAL. “Pag may itinanim, may aanihin”, a common adage exemplified by the ATI-RTC 10 employees during this time of great crisis. Mr. Romeo Salcedo and Mr. Joegene Bahian are the Center’s drivers, while SG Felipe Aguitong and SG Alven. Macana are security guards. They are not just security guards and drivers however, but also gardeners of the ATI-RTC 10. Heeding the call of the Plant, Plant, Plant Program of our mother agency, the Department of Agriculture, they spend their spare time cultivating their own area for vegetable gardening located right beside the Center’s guard house. Together with the other employees, they also have their share of making their time and the Center’s vacant area productive.

Amid the covid 19 pandemic that is affecting the entire world is also the problem of food supply. In the social media of all platforms, television and radio broadcasts, we often hear complains of hunger and lack of food, and people ranting about not receiving any relief goods and cash aids. But here at ATI-RTC 10, drivers and security guards could never complain of lack of food. What with the good harvest of their vegetables. With the quarantine still in effect in the region, no training programs means lesser jobs for drivers and security guards. They may be receiving their salary but they also belong to the “jobless”. Hence, together with the security guards, they establish their own garden planted with pechay, okra, eggplant and string beans. There was never an idle time for these personnel because from morning until the afternoon they always give time for planting and maintaining their crop. They're being productive despite the problem brought about by covid.

Today is harvest time for the 20 kilos or more of fresh and crispy pechay. ATI-RTC 10 employees are happy, going home with fresh vegetable for dinner. Thanks to the hardworking drivers and security guards. Next week’s harvest will follow, and supply will really last with the staggered planting method.