RCEF to roll-off with Training of Trainers

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ATI Compound, EL SALVADOR CITY – In the dawn of the Rice Tariffication Law (RA 11203) which seeks to replace quantitative restriction on rice imports with tariffs and lift the quantitative exports restrictions on rice, the Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund (RCEF) was born to provide direct assistance to rice farmers in the form of extension services focused on inbred rice seeds and mechanization, and distribution of rice farm equipment to protect the rice industry from sudden and extreme price fluctuation.

In line with this thrust, the Agricultural Training Institute – Regional Training Center X will conduct a series of Regional Training of Trainers to the forty-seven (47) municipalities of the four (4) rice growing provinces in the region.

As an opening salvo for this year’s series of capability building and enhancement activities, a 12-day Training of Trainers (TOT) on Modernized Production of High-Quality Inbred Rice and Seeds, and Farm Mechanization will be conducted on February 10 – 21, 2020 at Northern Mindanao Agricultural Crops and Livestock Research Complex (NMACLRC), in Malaybalay City, Bukidnon.

Expected participants to this TOT are agricultural extension workers (AEWs), Local Farmer Technicians (LFTs), Farm School Owners of the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), and Farmer Cooperators of ATI, among others. These participants will come from those identified 47 municipalities of the 4 rice growing provinces in the region.

The training will enable participants to implement the Modified Season Long Farmer Field School (SL FFS) on the Production of High-Quality Inbred Rice Seeds in their respective localities.

Topics to the 12-day training include Transformational Leadership, Understanding the Rice Tariffication Law, The PalayCheck System, Farm Machinery Operation and Safety, Financial Analysis and Management, Training Management and hands-on activities like Land Preparation, Seedling Preparation, Harvesting and Post-Harvest, Rouging, and Moisture Content Determination, among others.

This TOT is the first of the three (3) batches. The other two (2) batches will be conducted on July 2020, both in Maramag, Bukidnon. Other activities under RCEF include Information Caravan on Rice Tariffication Law, and Training Course on Seed Production and Certification for Seed Growers, among others. (with reports from Mary Lie P. Monteroyo)