LSAs, SPAs and ESPs Gearing up for Brighter Agripreneurship

The group of LSAs, ASPs, and ESPs Operators/Managers with OIC Center Director Maria Lydia A. Echavez (Standing 8th from right

HARBOR LIGHTS HOTEL, GUSA, CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY. – A resounding response of almost 140 farmers and farming entrepreneurs gather together for the Assessment and Planning at Harbor Lights Hotel, Cagayan de Oro City. The participants are farm operators and managers of the Learning Sites for Agriculture (LSA), School for Practical Agriculture (SPA) and the Extension Providers (ESP) who are certified and accredited by ATI.

In her opening message, OIC Center Director Maria Lydia A. Echavez emphasize that there is a need for a common understanding of the responsibilities as LSA/SPA/ESP, and as partners of ATI in its implementation of programs and projects. She encouraged the new LS operators and managers to visit other learning sites and learn from these big brothers who were ATI certified ahead of them.

The activity intends for the LSAs/SPAs/ESPs operators and managers to be informed on the current programs of ATI which they can participate in. This is also an avenue for them to bond and learn from each other in the sharing of their farm practices. On the other hand, there is a need for ATI to be informed on the status, programs and projects undertaken by the LSA/SPA/ESP for 2019. Issues and concerns must also be addressed and plans for 2020 be in place.

These LSAs/SPAs/ESPs are partners of the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) in implementing its training and extension programs. Their farms serve as practicum area to complement classroom learning and venue for practical and hands-on learning. They also serve as learning site for other farmers, rural community members, ATI training participant, OJT’s from schools and ATI’s scholars who visit their farms to learn about farming and agribusiness.