RCEF Info Caravan Opening Salvo at Malaybalay City

MALAYBALAY CITY, Bukidnon - - The Agricultural Training Institute-Regional Training Center X opening salvo for Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund (RCEF) Team this year is an Info Caravan during the Annual General Assembly Meeting of the Lalawan Abohan Sawaga Simaya Communal Irrigators Association (LASSCIA) Inc. The activity was held at the Multi purpose building, LASSCIA Compound, Purok 6, Brgy. Violeta, Malaybalay City.

Several key personalities gave updates and advises regarding rice as the industry is faced by the problem of low price.

Hon. Atty. Warren Pabillaran, Vice Mayor of Malaybalay City, told the farmers to be prudent in their expenses and to properly budget their money. He wants the farmers to be financially literate and always save for emergencies. He expressed his support to the farmers by encouraging them to engage seriously into farming as a way of life.

Hon. City Councilor Christopher Soria, the Chairman of Agriculture for Malaybalay City, encouraged the farmers to try out the new technologies that are being introduced always record their expenses and income.

Furthermore, the Provincial Agriculturist of the Province of Bukidnon, Engr. Alson G. Quimba, challenged the farmers to aim for profits, rather than complaining about how their proceeds are always short and overdropped. He also told them to treat farming as a business. He emphasized that aside from the help given by the government, they should also help themselves since every farmer's hardwork will always pay off.

Engr. Noeme De Los Reyes, the OIC City Agriculturist meanwhile explained to the participants the importance of the Registry System for Basic Sectors in Agriculture (RSBSA). She said that the her office is doing interviews and validation to make sure that factual information is given. She encouraged everyone to make time for the RSBSA and to be truthful so that the City Agriculture Office will have complete data on the agriculture sector for them to be able to plan their interventions to the right beneficiaries.

Ms. Noemi Beth G. Macario, OIC-Assistant Center Director of ATI-RTC X explained about RA 11203 or the Rice Tariffication Law, the RCEF and the Extension component under the program. She committed to the farmers to conduct one (1) Farmers Field School (FFS) at Barangay Violeta, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon through ANPAS Farm, an ATI-certified Learning Site and a TESDA farm school. She also encourage the participants to join the FFS, seed growers training and become an ATI certified Learning Site.

Several agencies were also present during the activity. Among their representatives are Mr. Abdulwahid H. Madum from TESDA, Mr. Gabriel Rara from LBP and those from the National Irrigation Administration.

The activity aims to inform the farmers of the new programs of the government for rice, specifically the Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund - Rice Extension Services Program (RCEF-RESP). It was attended by more than 200 members.