TD Preparation Mentoring pushed for New Year

OIC-Assistant Center Director Noemi Beth G. Macario delivers a presentation on Training Design Preparation which serves as a refresher to the different point person commodities of the center.

ATI-X COMPOUND, El Salvador City---Serving as a refresher to the rest of the management and staff of the center, specifically the commodity point persons, a one-day mentoring/ coaching on “Training Design Preparation” transpired on the first working day Thursday morning of January 2 this year.

Mentoring is most often defined as a professional relationship in which an experienced person. (the mentor) assists another (the mentoree) in developing specific skills and knowledge that will enhance the less-experienced person's professional and personal growth.

A Training Design (TD) contains the rationale,objectives, methodologies, modules and lessons and the resources needed when conducting a training. It also focuses on the administrative and technical preparations a trainer must employ to become more efficient and effective in conducting a training in a particular commodity.

A writeshop followed in every topic discussion delivered by OIC-Assistant Center Director Noemi Beth G. Macario. Topics discussed with corresponding writeshop include coming up with snappy titles, clear learning objectives, training-specific rationales, grammar, and more. The said mentoring has been in place since last year in 2019.

The activity is designed so that the Training Project Officers for 2020 will be able to write better Training Designs. All the Project Officers are expected to submit their Training Designs for the whole year within the month of January. This is expected to result to a much improved administrative system such as early procurement of resources needed, early invitation of participants, resource persons and early coordination with partners..