IP Farming Stories told via CRA Project Writeshop

Info Agent Mary Lie P. Monteroyo interviews Juditha S. Alinob aka "Bae Dalampanan", one of the CRA Project beneficiaries of the Higaonon Cultural Community. At age 80, Bae Dalampanan is still active in farming and farm produce processing.

Kiabo, Malitbog, Bukidnon---Armed with the commitment and continuous effort to document and capture success stories of farmers as partners in food security and sustainable development, the Information Services Section (ISS) of the center mounted a two-day writeshop recently.

Spearheaded by Information Services Section (ISS) Chief Maria Eloisa A. Akut through a writing session and peer consultation, she hopes to replicate the publication success of Bahandi and deliver more stories in a different light as tribute to the tireless efforts of the local farmers specifically focusing on the IP beneficiaries of the Climate Resilient Agriculture (CRA) Project of ATI.

Dubbed as “CRA Project Writeshop: The Kiabo Experience IP Stories”, the writeshop aimed to make the participants develop well-written success story articles replete with high quality on-site photos.

Specifically, the nine handpicked participants coming from the different sections of the center were able to come up with feature stories for print. The team of content developers include Information Officer II Honeylou C. Bastasa, Media Production Specialist Vic Thor Palarca along with Technical Support Staffs Mary Lie P. Monteroyo, Angelica B. Villarta, Mark Cyben Cepe Epe, Jeric L. Cabatac, Shirley J. de Los Reyes and Keemple Mark T. Darap.

The writeshop transpired and took place on September 16-17, 2019 at the Monte Shannah’s Farm in San Luis, Malitbog, Bukidnon.