ATI-X Kicks-Off with “Keeping a Drug-Free Workplace” Seminar for Personnel

Administrative Officer-IV Efren C. Macario gives the overview of the one-day seminar "Keeping a Drug-Free Workplace".

Poblacion, El Salvador City--- To ensure that the management and staff of the Agricultural Training Institute-Regional Training Center X (ATI-RTC X) remain drug-free and are not into substance abuse, a whole day seminar “Keeping a Drug-Free Workplace” was mounted as facilitated and organized by the Administrative and Finance Unit (AFU).

Participants involved were the center personnel to promote the well-being and productivity of the entire employees for an effective and efficient service which is free from the ill-effects of drug use in the workplace.

Topics include a two-part discussion of “Awareness and Education on the Adverse Effects of Dangerous Drugs” with Ms. Dianne L Ebajay, RN and Mr. Ed Anthony C. Maña from the Department of Health (DOH) as the Resource Persons.

Activities include an awareness of the ill-effects of dangerous drugs, poster-making contest with the standard message “This is a drug-free workplace, let’s keep it this way”, Commitment Wall via Pledge to be Drug-Free and an administered drug-test.

The conduct of the seminar was in pursuance to the provisions of RA 9165, an act instituting the Comprehensive Dangerous Drug Act of 2002 as amended by RA 10640 and in accordance with the Civil Service Commission (CSC) Memorandum Circular No. 13 series of 2017.

The seminar transpired on September 5, 2019 at the ATI-RTC X compound this city.