Training on Rubber Tapping & Budding Propagation Techniques Conducted

Valencia City, Bukidnon--- To prepare the rubber farmers in the region and achieve quality rubber both for local and international markets, a Training on Rubber Tapping and Budding Propagation Techniques was mounted by the Career Development and Management Services Section (CDMS).

The Resource Persons (RP) of the said training were Dr. Reymon Ruba and Mr. John James Paglinawan, both of whom had a National Certification Competency II (NC-II) on Rubber Tapping. The participants of the training learned various cultural management, rubber production methods and necessary tapping management. An actual visit on a rubber plantation and processing plant located in Central Mindanao University (CMU), where quality of rubber can be found, enabled the participants to do hands-on demonstration and return demonstration on eye-budding propagation, rubber tapping and latex harvesting.

The three-day training which ran on June 24-26, 2019 at Jocel’s Garden in Valencia City was participated in by 30 rubber farmers and technicians coming from the Municipalities of Kadingilan, Maramag, Cabanglasan, Libona, San Fernando and Valencia City, Bukidnon. Walk-in participants were also accepted through the official Facebook page of ATI-RTC X.

At the end of the training, participants were given budding knife as post-training support with which they can use as a tool for maintain and expand their respective rubber farms. (with reports from Moisa Niña D. Catiil, Training Specialist II)